Mundane Wonder - Nirmal Raja, Riley Rae Niemack, Erin E Bolte
Mundane Wonder brings together three artists: Nirmal Raja, Riley Rae Niemack and Erin E. Bolte, who use daily studio practice and everyday experiences as a foundation in their work. Playful experiments, sketches, material explorations and attention to the mundane result in small works that are rooted in wonder, offering a glimpse into the subconscious and the intuitive.
OPEN ON SATURDAYS: March 23 - May 25, 2019
OPEN FOR GALLERY NIGHT & DAY: Friday, April 26, 2019; 5-9 PM and Saturday, April 27th, Noon-5 PM
Nirmal Raja
Studio warmups have become a part of Raja’s studio practice at the start of her work day. Set parameters and daily discipline anchor these playful exercises that focus on the act of making. While they feel indulgent with a guilty pleasure in materials, Raja’s work taps into her subconscious like none of her other research based, large scale projects. Each series ends at a 101 - a number that symbolizes growth and seems to be her threshold for pushing the limit of variations within set parameters.
From the Void, No. 37, Nirmal Raja
Riley Rae Niemack
Having an in home studio over the last year has re-invigorated Niemack’s everyday inspired art practice. From creating impressions of her hair sheddings to capturing the use of her living room TV tray table, domestic life’s inherent ephemeral yet ritualistic core is an always-present reminder to her of the small things easily dismissed. These selection of works are distilled meditations on the peculiar nature of the accepted everyday.
Daily Thread Shed, Riley Rae Niemack
Erin E Bolte
Working with her hands grounds Bolte, calms her, gives her purpose, and never bores her. She has learned repeatedly that she has a need to create daily. Her works in this show are artifacts of time passed. They are reflections on the repetition of daily routines, and somewhere within the ordinary something extraordinary comes into being.
Michelle Obama, Erin Bolte